Maharashtra has topped the list of non-performing assets with the largest number of suits being registered from the state in the last quarter, followed by Delhi, Gujarat and West Bengal.
According to the latest available data provided by the Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd, Maharashtra saw 1,669 suits being filed for an amount of over Rs 14,271.44 crore (Rs 142.71 billion) by banks -- this being the total number of cases which remains to be settled.
The number for the country's capital was one third that of Maharashtra's at 552 for Rs 4,180.31 crore (Rs 41.80 billion). The numbers for Gujarat and West Bengal, on the other hand, were 333 for Rs 2,425.37 crore (Rs 24.25 billion) and 394 for Rs 2,410.18 crore (Rs 24.10 billion), respectively.
The total number of suits filed above Rs 1 crore (Rs 10 million) pending disposal stood at 4,655, involving an amount of Rs 33,372.92 crore (Rs 333.73 billion) according to data available. The actual number was likely to be much higher with a large number of banks yet to submit their data to Cibil.
Central Bank of India has witnessed the largest number of NPAs among nationalised banks, barring State Bank of India. The numbers of accounts that have turned bad at the bank was 599 involving a sum of Rs 3,180.8 crore (Rs 31.81 billion) followed by Bank of India at 536 involving Rs 7,104.62 crore (Rs 71.05 billion).
Bank of Baroda on the other hand has seen as many as 495 accounts above Rs 1 crore turn bad totaling Rs 2,380.51 crore (Rs 23.80 billion).
Corporation Bank has seen the lowest number of NPA accounts at 42 involving Rs 367 crore (Rs 3.67 billion).
The total figure for all nationalised banks stood at 3,254 at Rs 23,783.42 crore (Rs 237.83 billion).
Among private sector banks, the merger of ICICI Ltd with ICICI Bank has turned the latter with the largest number of NPA accounts at 528 involving Rs 4,101 crore (Rs 41.01 billion). IndusInd Bank fared next with 89 accounts involving Rs 594 crore (Rs 5.94 billion), followed by United Western Bank with 89 accounts and Rs 594 crore (Rs 5.94 billion).
Centurion Bank, on the other hand, has as many as 49 accounts that involved Rs 235 crore (Rs 2.35 billion), followed by Development Credit Bank with 39 accounts that involved Rs 109.95 crore (Rs 1.10 billion).
The total figure for private banks was 1,020 cases at Rs 6,944.98 crore (Rs 69.45 billion).
Foreign banks have also seen as many as 108 accounts go bad involving Rs 1,099.06 crore (Rs 10.99 billion) where Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi topping the list at 31 and the amount involved was Rs 514 crore (Rs 5.14 billion).
Standard Chartered Bank fared second at 22 involving Rs 514.98 crore (Rs 5.15 billion).