Political instability in Madhya Pradesh, which saw three chief ministers in last two years, has discouraged investors and retarded its pace of industrialisation, alleged Union Commerce and Industries Minister Kamal Nath on Tueaday.
The industrialists were unable to repose their faith on the Bharatiya Janata Party government in the state as three chief ministers have taken over in the last two years of its rule, he told reporters.
Claiming to have sanctioned several schemes for the state during Uma Bharti's tenure, the Union minister said former Chief Minister Babulal Gaur had also made some efforts to lure investors and had accompanied him on a trip to the US and the UK.
But industrialists are wary of investing in the state due to political instability, he said, adding the state government has also failed to provide required infrastructure in terms of power and roads.
Equating law and order condition of Madhya Pradesh to that in Bihar, Kamal Nath said, increase in incidents of crime, looting and dacoity have made adverse effect on the state's development.
Accusing BJP of breaking its poll promises, the minister claimed the countdown has started for the saffron party to move out of power in the state.