Kohinoor CTN is jointly owned by former Lok Sabha Speaker Manohar Joshi and Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray's nephew Raj Thackeray.
Three bids were submitted for the prime land. The second highest bid was Rs 411.11 crore (Rs 4.11 billion) Industries and the third bid was for Rs 355 crore (Rs 3.55 billion) by Akruti Nirman.
Indiabulls gets Elphinstone Mills
Meanwhile, the Mumbai-based Elphinstone Spinning & Weaving Mills has been sold to Indiabulls Real Estate Company for Rs 441 crore (Rs 4.41 billion).
Indiabulls Real Estate Company emerged as the highest bidder for Elphinstone Mills.
This was announced in a release issued by Indiabulls Financial Services to the Bombay Stock Exchange on Thursday.
"A written communication from National Textile Corporation to this effect is awaited," the release added.