The country's largest car maker Maruti Suzuki India said on Friday it will donate Rs 1.56 crore (Rs 15.6 million) to the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund to help the government's rebuilding efforts in Uttarakhand.
"To strengthen the relief and rebuilding efforts of the government for victims of the recent natural calamity in Uttarakhand, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd and its employees will contribute Rs 1.56
The company added that the employees have offered to donate a day's salary for the cause.
"The company's contribution will include five Omni ambulances to help reach medical aid to victims in affected areas in Uttarakhand," MSI said.
On June 20, the Mahindra Group had announced a contribution of Rs 1 crore (Rs 10 million) to the Uttarakhand Chief Minister's Relief Fund to provide relief to flood-affected victims in the state.