Mahindra & Mahindra on Friday said it will supply multi-utility vehicles Bolero and MM 550 XD to the Afghanistan government.
The 80 Boleros and 40 MM 550 XD would be transported by sea and land route to Kabul where they would be formally handed by the Indian embassy to the Afghan army in the second week of June, M&M said in a release.
This order is being executed through Mahindra Defence Systems and is part of an aid package provided by the Indian government to Afghanistan.
"We are confident that both the Bolero and MM 550 XD -- approximately 10,000 of which are in service with the Indian army -- will measure up well to the challenges of the terrain in Afghanistan and will be an asset to their army," Khutub Hai, vice-president and head, Mahindra Defence Systems, said.
There is a potential of larger numbers depending on the requirement of the Afghan army, he said.