Homegrown auto major Mahindra & Mahindra on Thursday said it will recall 900 units of a variant of its popular sports utility vehicle Scorpio, manufactured between October and November this year, to rectify faulty pressure valve.
"Mahindra will carry out preventive replacement of a pressure regulating valve in 900 units of only Scorpio's Ex variant which were manufactured between October/November 2013," the company said.
The replacement will be carried out with immediate effect and would be done free of cost. The customers will be individually contacted by the company and its dealers, the statement added.
"The recall is limited to only to the Scorpio Ex variant manufactured during the said period and does not affect the other Scorpio variants," it said.
M&M's recall comes on the heels of the country's largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki India last month recalling 1,492 units of Ertiga, Swift, Dzire and A-Star models produced in October this year to rectify a possible problem with steering column.
Since industry body SIAM initiated a voluntary recall policy last July, automobile manufacturers in India have recalled over 3 lakh units on safety related issues.