Lupin has announced its fourth quarter results. The company's Q4 net profit is up at Rs 50.19 crore as against Rs 21.73 crore. Its revenues are up at Rs 463 crore from Rs 299.48 crore.
MD of Lupin Laboratories, Kamal K Sharma says the revenue growth has come from both, the advanced and domestic markets.
Going forward, he says the company is negotiating with marketing partners for EU foray and expects the company to launch it by Q4FY07.
Excerpts from CNBC TV18's exclusive interview with Kamal K Sharma:
Walk us through the revenue growth you have seen in this quarter, and where has it come from primarily?
Primarily, it has come from advance markets as well as the domestic markets. We have had an overall growth in developing as well as regulated markets.
What sort of growth have you seen in Suprax sales?
Over the last year, we have had almost 100% growth, that's doubled.
Take us through your domestic and export sales?
Our mix between domestic and international sales is 55:45. But in terms of API and finished dosage, it has reversed. It was 55 API and 45 finished dosage. This year we have 55 finished dosage and 45 APIs, which is in line with moving up the value chain.
What sort of sales in money terms did you see for Suprax and Ceftriaxone?
Ceftriaxone was USD 25 million and Suprax was around USD 15
Where have margins stabilised at for this quarter? Where do you see them holding for the next few quarters?
As a mater of policy, we do not give any guidance. It is suffice to say that our operating profit margins have gone up from around 12% to 19% this year. We would continue to ride the wave of general operation efficiency and overall growth.
Are you expecting to see revenues kicking in from the European market as well in the quarters ahead?
Not in the immediate quarter, but certainly from the fourth quarter of this financial year. Because for the first time, we have made about ten marketing authorization submissions to the EU. At this moment, we have a heavy rush of Expression of Interest from various marketing partners. We are in the process of negotiating and finalising the arrangements. We hope to get approvals by the end of this calendar year.
You are planning to enter the contract manufacturing space? By when do you think that might happen?
We already had some success in this area. It is in the process of getting build up. It is something that one needs to plan out very effectively and judiciously, because it requires for large investments. As we go forward, one would see it growing well.
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