Following the foray of Essel and Essar groups into the online lottery segment, another leading conglomerate Forbes Group on Friday said it will enter the segment and launch its product 'DhanDhanaDhan' next month.
The company has entered into a technology tie-up with Bharti Enterprises and WinSystems, Spain, for the purpose, a Forbes Group spokesperson said in Kolkata.
He said while Bharti Enterprises would provide GPRS connectivity across the country, WinSystems would provide complete implementation of transaction processing systems, including central systems, communication from remote terminals, point of sale units and terminals.
DhanDhanaDhan would promote and market Arunachal Pradesh State Lottery and Meghalaya State Lottery - a unique distinction of an online lottery promoting two state lotteries at the same time, he said.
The group would offer the consumer a whole new world of gaming experience with the launch of exciting games like Dhan Three, Tri Dhan, Dhan Lotto, etc, he added.