LG Electronics on Tuesday said it was planning to launch 14 new colour television models, including projection TVs of 44 and 54 inch sizes.
The company also said the Diwali festival season would see a new promotion campaign featuring sports celebrities.
The Korean major showcased a new range of 'display products' on Tuesday, in a bid to create an exclusive category of hi-end consumer electronics products including plasma display panels, projection televisions, LCD TVs, projectors, monitors and optical storage devices.
"With the whole world moving towards digital transmission in which lies the future of consumer electronics markets, LG took this step to create this segment in the Indian market. We are committed to developing advanced display products and will focus on this category henceforth," Nam K Woo, president, LGE Digital Display and Media, told reporters in New Delhi.
C M Singh, national head for consumer electronics, said the company was eagerly awaiting commencement of the festival season since the industry sales have been dismal in the preceding months.
"We have had very few reasons to smile these last few months and we are starved for the festival season. We have planned over 20 launches around this period and we are hopeful of signing on some sports celebrities to endorse our products this Diwali," he said.