Projecting India as a centre of Intel's core chips development work, as against China where only localisation and software development takes place, a company official on Friday said its development centre in Bangalore would work on the next generation mobile chipset to be launched next year, as well as processor for servers.
"We will have the next generation mobile chipset and processors for server rolled out of the Bangalore centre, Anand Chandrasekhar, vice president (mobile platforms), Intel, said on the sidelines of a Wi-Fi seminar in New Delhi.
Intel's Centrino mobile platform was also developed at the IIDC, Banaglore, he said.
"In India, we take the chips development work. In China, we are doing just some customisations and software development," Chandrasekahr said, adding India was at the centre of chipset and architecture development of Intel.
He said In India the number of 'hot spots' which would help people get connected within a network are expected to go up to 1,000 from 300 while globally it would touch around 24,000.
Hot spots are access points providing wireless broadband network to mobile users through a wireless local area network.