The US Embassy is asking the Million Dollar Round Table to give a guarantee that insurance agents qualifying to attend the annual convention return to their own home towns.
Restriction in the issuance of visas by the US has hit MDRT insurance agents across the Asian region as the annual convention takes place in the United States, and this restricts the number of Asian agents from participating, said R K Shetty, zone chair MDRT for India, Sri Lanka & Nepal.
Against the 1,900-odd agents qualifying in 2003 from India, only 109 were able to attend the MDRT convention in Las Vegas. This year 1,700 agents have applied for US visas in order to participate at the MDRT convention in California this June.
"The US Embassy has asked MDRT for a guarantee before it gives visas to individual agents who have not in the past gone to the US," said Shetty.
Restriction in granting US visas has also affected MDRT agents in other Asian countries including Hong Kong, Thailand, China and Sri Lanka, he added.
MDRT though cannot grant any guarantees, does year after year, write to the Senator of Illinois, pleading the case on behalf