The flight to Singapore will be thrice a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. It will depart from Hyderabad at 5.30 am and arrive at Singapore at 12.50 hours local time.
Whereas the direct flight to Bangkok will operate twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The flight will depart from Hyderabad at 1.55 pm and arrive at Bangkok at 6.45 pm local time.
On the return direction, both the flights will operate on the same days. While the Singapore flight will leave at 1.50 hours local time and land at Hyderabad at 4 pm, flight from Bangkok will depart at 11.20 hours local time and land at Hyderabad at 1.20 pm.
According to E A Varghese, general manager (commercial), southern region, apart from these two direct flights, people from Hyderabad will have a daily connection to Bangkok and Singapore via Bangalore and Chennai.
One can catch a flight at Hyderabad and take the connecting the flight to either Bangkok or Singapore from either Chennai or Bangalore.