Hyundai Motor India said on Wednesday that its car sales has surged by 53.1 per cent in September 2003 to 17,009 units from 11,105 units a year earlier.
Domestic sales went up by 9.4 per cent to 11,004 units while exports climbed six-fold to 6,005 units over September 2002 sales of 1,052 units, a company release said.
Sales during April-September 2003 jumped by 44.4 per cent to 79,226 units as compared to the previous year.
Hyundai, India's second-biggest carmaker, said it achieved sales of 1,09,802 units during January-September 2003 against 1,11,051 units sold in calendar year 2002.
Combined sales of both Santro and Accent models recorded highs of 13,016 units and 3,818 units respectively in September.
Sales of the luxury sedan Sonata grew marginally year-on-year to 121 units from 115 units a year ago.
Hyundai also sold 11 units more of the sports-utility vehicle Terracan in September as compared to 43 units sold in August 2003.
The company, a subsidiary of South Korean automaker Hyundai Motor Company, makes Santro, Accent and Sonata at its plant near Chennai.
It sells the Terracan after importing it as a fully built unit from South Korea.