Brushman India will be launching Toni & Guy, the UK-based hair products brand in the country. Kapil Kumar, CEO, Brushman, said in the first phase, the consumer range would be launched at the retail level, followed by the professional line after two months.
"By April, we will also start opening the T&G salons and hairdressing academies," said Kumar.
He added the company planned to open 100 salons in India over the next three years.
While Brushman would be investing in the distribution network for the brand in India, for the salons and academies it would be a joint venture between Brushman and T&G.
"The equity break-up for the venture will be disclosed at a later stage," said Kumar. Both declined to divulge the exact investment details for the brand.
While the hair products have been available through the gray market, Paul Bulman, general manager, Toni&Guy products division, said that they wanted to wait for the market to mature enough before launching in India.
Commenting on the potential of the Indian market, Bulman said India could possibly be among the biggest markets for the company outside UK over the next few years.
T&G currently has a turnover of £175 which it intends to double over the next few years through entering new markets like China and Russia.
Kumar said that the company was targetting a turnover of Rs 10 crore in the first year, and this was likely to go upto Rs 30 crore over the next three years.
At present, Brushman will launch the Red & White Signature range along with the Insights and Mens Only ranges , which would be priced between Rs 150 (for the trial packs) to Rs 875.
"The products have been priced keeping in mind the spending patterns of the middle class and the target population between 13 and 33 years," said Kumar.
The products will be available through retailers like Pantaloon, Lifestyle and Shopper's Stop in the major metros in the first phase of the launch, said Kumar.
While at present the product range is being imported from UK, Bulman said that if the market grew to a suitable size, they would consider manufacturing the brands in India.
Brushman already distributes Denman hair brushes and Keune range of hair products in the professional haircare category in India apart from other brands like Nvey, Skin Truth and Les Naturelles.