Chief Minister Narendra Modi told reporters on Thursday that based on last year's experience of hosting the investor's summit, the government was moving in a professional way to make the summit a huge success.
"In order to tap the investors in a professional and transparent manner, project profiles have been prepared so that they know the resources of the industry, its needs and what can it deliver", Modi said.
Referring to last year's experience, Modi said, "Memorandum of Understanding worth Rs 66,000 crore (Rs 660 billion) were signed, of which projects worth Rs 55,000 crore (Rs 550 billion) are already in the pipeline. This year on the shelf will be around 300 investment opportunities in the fields of port, port development, engineering and automotive, energy, gas and petroleum and other areas".
The summit, to be held between January 11-14, would have cultural programmes on its opening day while business would commence the next day onwards, officials said.
The government would also give away the Gujarat Garima awards, introduced last year, to persons of eminence of Gujarati origin, who have done exemplary work in various fields.