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Web games to let players win cash!

July 22, 2005 11:16 IST

Upcoming Web versions of "Jeopardy!" and "Wheel of Fortune" will let fans do more than sit on the couch and shout answers at their televisions.

Players will be able to compete against others online for cash, trips and other prizes -- starting next month with "Wheel of Fortune," followed by "Jeopardy!" later this year.

Existing video game versions only let you play against computerized opponents. The new offering from WorldWinner Inc. of Newton, Mass., and Sony Pictures Digital sets up contests between real people.

There will be free versions, but players will have to pay for a shot at cash and prizes. The cost per game will average about $1 but some may be as high as $10, WorldWinner spokeswoman Allison Rynak said.

The company also plans progressive tournaments, with higher jackpots depending on the number of contestants and duration of the game. WorldWinner gets a 20 per cent slice of the jackpot.

Ken Jennings wannabes, however, may want to consider another route to quiz show stardom. Perhaps the most coveted prize -- becoming a show contestant -- isn't up for grabs.
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