Ford India, after launching its urban activity vehicle Fusion, is set to begin work for next year's launch of what is indicated as another C-segment offering -- but with its usual attempt to blur price segments.
Analysts said Ford Focus looks a good bet as the auto major had in September unveiled the second generation car, developed specifically for the Asia-Pacific markets. This variant was launched after factoring in the diversified road and traffic conditions in the region.
Vinay Piparsania, vice president sales and marketing, Ford India, while preferring to steer away from any discussion on the new vehicle, said that Ford will certainly stick to its practice of launching at least one model a year.
However, officials said that Ford is evaluating just the C segment for now and launched will certainly not be in the B or D segment.
They said several models including the much touted Focus are being tested out now. In Europe, Ford has the Focus, Fiesta and C-max, besides the Fusion in the C segment.
While the Fiesta platform based Ikon is already a C segment offering here, officials said the company has over time consciously pulled down its price. The result Ikon will be the entry level C segment offering, while the new model will be positioned in the higher end.
The company is yet to narrow down on the likely pricing. Officials said that two schools of thought are in play now. Either Ford will take the tested route by positioning the new variant in the Rs 550,000 to Rs 700,000 category or could further blur segments by placing it significantly above the Fusion but well under the luxury sedan Mondeo. Here exists a big space as the Fusion is priced at Rs 630,000 (ex showroom) while the Mondeo is tagged at Rs 16.3 lakh (Rs 1.63 million).
Piparsania clarified that pricing is primarily determined by value adds than size now. The new model holds the key as it can assist Ford India touch its peak capacity of 100,000 units a year.
Currently Ford is running two shifts turning out around 60,000 units annually. Ford hopes to commence the third shift along with the new model launch expected after the middle of next calendar.