Attorney-General Soli Sorabjee's response on the privatisation of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd is likely to be known later this week, when the government's chief law officer is expected to strike a balance between the two contrasting view points.
Officials said the Sorabjee's response was likely to give a go-ahead to the scheduled privatisation of the public sector oil firms, although a rider could be added in view of the current controversy.
As a concession to the opponents to the sale of the state-owned oil companies, Sorabjee may suggest the government seek the Parliament's approval on the issue, a view expressed by most Opposition parties during the winter session.
However, such a move could put the government in a spot regarding the sale of other public sector units, with proponents and opponents in the Bharatiya Janata Party and other constituents of the ruling National Democratic Alliance reopening the entire issue.
The Cabinet Committee on Divestment, which met last week, was unable to take a view on the privatisation of the oil PSUs since the Sorabjee was unable to submit his view on the issue.
The divestment ministry has sought the view of the attorney-general on whether the divestment of government equity in HPCL and BPCL will require an amendment by Parliament since the two companies were set up under Acts of Parliament.