"In the 21st century marketing industry, the only constant is change," said Brian Fetherstonhaugh, chairman and CEO, OgilvyOne Worldwide.
"We see the future of marketing communications as a world where digital technologies are mainstream and digital marketing is not a new concept. It is central to lives and businesses of all," he said.
Kent Wertime, president OgilvyOne Worldwide, Asia Pacific said that in Asia, digital technologies had become part of consumers' lives. Marketers need to ensure that they always remain ahead of the customers in the use of digital media.
Internet is now entering a very exciting period after the dotcom crash and India will play an important role in this revival. Television will possibly remain the most powerful and persuasive way for brand to communicate.
The emergence of new technology such as Tivo was also discussed. This technology allows the viewer to skip commercials. Thirty five per cent of TV viewers access the Internet and 57 per cent them also have phone.
Fetherstonhaugh said that the need of the hour was not to force the consumer. He talked about using the pull and not the push strategy to maximise return on investment.
Asia has a bright future in the digital drive as it has the largest Internet user base which constitute around 327 million that is 34.2 per cent of the global users. Asia also enjoys the highest broadband penetration in the world.
The summit Verge is a part of a global series to address and educate marketers and the industry at large about the importance of the digital drive.