The Delhi Integrated Multi-Modal Transit System Ltd has developed a web-based Public Information System through which commuters can view the position of the buses and their expected time of arrival at their place.
For this, the commuters have to either access or the to view the position of the bus and its expected arrival at a particular bus stop.
The system uses global positioning system technology to determine real time information of the bus and on the basis of the current position, speed
Twenty-five AC buses plying on nine routes have been fitted with GPS device for determination of position of the bus in terms of latitude and longitude at a given point of time and transmission of information to a central server through a GPRS connection.
Based on pre-configured route and the current position of the bus, the time is likely to be consumed by the bus in reaching subsequent bus stops are calculated.
PIS was introduced earlier on 88 non-AC buses and 10 AC buses where the system generated information about expected time of arrival of buses was disseminated to commuters through LED boards installed at bus stops.