The Indian Institute of Management-Bangalore has launched a six-month-long certificate programme in business management for defence personnel.
The course is conducted jointly by the Directorate General of Resettlement, Ministry of Defence and IIM-B. It is aimed primarily at officers who are considering a shift to the corporate sector.
The officers will be taught by the IIM faculty and will be introduced to contemporary business models and practises. They will be taught subjects ranging from marketing to accounting, finance and communication skills.
Some 80 officers have been selected from all the three services.
The total cost of the course is Rs 1.5 lakh, of which the defence will pay 60 percent and the balance has to be paid by the officer concerned. The programme is already being conducted by IIM-Ahmedabad, IIM-Lucknow and IIM-Indore.
According to the Directorate General of Resettlement, after completing the programme, these officers will be better equipped to be part of the corporate world after their retirement.
Armed with an IIM degree, they will be able to compete in the corporate world and will also be up to date with the required skills and knowledge.
"Many of the officers who pass out are between the age group of 35-45 years after they opt for premature retirement. These officers need jobs after they retire but there is a big difference between the corporate sector and the defence. It is this gap that a course like this aims to fill," Major General Harwant Krishan, Director General-Resettlement, said.
On an average, 60,000 defence personnel retire every year of which three thousand are officers. Besides, a large number of short service commissioned officers are also released from service after completing 5-14 years of contractual service.
IIM-B director Prakash Apte said that such courses will also benefit the faculty as these personnel were some of the best managers around.
"These officers have tremendous potential as far as human resource management and skills like meeting deadlines are concerned so they will also be able to give back something to the faculty. However, when they leave the forces and step into the corporate sector it needs a change in mindset, which is what this course will help them do," Apte said.