Damas, in a bid to cash in on the wedding season has announced a special 'Damas Shubh Din Offer' in which the buyers can avail of discounts on showing his or her wedding card.
The offer is on from April 24 to June 20 and it is meant especially for the wedding season.
Anaggh Desai, CEO, Damas India, while addressing reporters in Ahmedabad, claimed, "The 'Damas Shubh Din offer' is an exclusive promotion designed for the wedding season. In case you are getting married during this period, you can avail of this auspicious offer. All you need to do is show your wedding invitation and you will get the percentage of discount as your wedding date on our diamond jewellery and watches.
The company has come out with this campaign as a part of our centenary year celebrations.
We will announce a series of promotional and social activities across the country throughout the year.
"Buying Wedding jewellery can be stressful and lengthy, Damas aims to make the decision processes easy," Desai added
The offer is valid exclusively at Damas Stores in Mumbai, New Delhi, Gurgaon, Pune, Ahmedabad, Bangalore and Kochi.