Dr Wilfred Aulbur, Managing Director and CEO, Daimler Chrysler India, said the company had till August this year sold 290 'S' Class, 790 'E' Class and 540 'C' class cars and 70 CBU (Complete Built Unit).
"We have doubled our sales growth twice during the last two years," Aulbur said adding the company was bullish on the Indian market.
The company said on Monday it has started a 45-day road safety programme - Mercedes Benz Mobile Kids in association with Automotive Fitness and Environment- SAFE and Suraksha, an NGO in which over 1000
The company also launched a pan-India drive-India Trail which would feature the complete portfolio of diesel cars from the Mercedes Benz stable in India- S Class, C-Class, E-Class, M-Class, the bio-diesel C-Class and Viano and the cars will cover a cumulative distance of more than 40,000 km from September 17 to October 10.