Operations at the IGI airport in New Delhi on Friday were hit after the computerised check-in and baggage handling system suffered a technical glitch, delaying some flights and causing inconvinence to the passengers.
The problem started at around 8.20 AM when the CUTE (Common User Terminal Equipment) software, which helps streamline reservation system at the airport and facilitates checking-in of passengers of individual airlines from a common terminal, developed a malfunction, forcing airlines to do the check-in manually.
The system, maintained by the airport operator Delhi International Airport Limited, was restored at around 9.40 AM, a senior airline official said.
The visual ground display system, which helps aircraft dock at the boarding gates and marks the baggage to the designated baggage belt, was also not operational, airport sources said.
A DIAL spokesperson said, "A technical glitch was observed at T3 at 8.20 AM which was fully restored at 9.40 AM.
"This led to some interruption in passenger processing and information display services.
All systems are fully functional now." However, airline officials claimed though it was restored, it was functioning ‘erratically’.
The computer problem had occurred just after the peak hour departure rush.