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Channel [V] is top music channel: TAM

October 31, 2003 11:58 IST

Channel [V], the music channel from the Star bouquet, today announced that it has grabbed the top slot and emerged as the leading music channel.

The company quoted TAM Media Research data to support its claims. It said according to TAM Media Research data, for all-day shares during week 39 to 42 of the current year conducted across 6 metros and representing cable and satellite viewers in the age group of 15-34 years, Channel [V] reported a 37 per cent average channel share compared with MTV (31 per cent), Zee Music (15 per cent) and B4U Music (17 per cent).

Amar K Deb, creative director and channel head of Channel [V] said, "The TAM research showing Channel [V] as India's leading youth channel is a natural progression of our commitment to offering India the best entertainment, from innovative programming to exciting reality shows."

"Over the past year we have successfully introduced programmes that are fresh and hold appeal for youth across the country. We are planning many more big-ticket shows with big-ticket rewards in the coming months," he said.

According to Deb, with a growing number of youth channels, the Indian television industry is competitive and the key driver to holding the attention of youth is the establishment of definitive differentiators.

The TAM data, according to the company, reveal that 5.8 million viewers across India tuned in to the simulcast of the inaugural episode of Popstars 2. After the simulcast, Popstars 2 completely washed out other music channels.

"Popstars 2's success in attracting viewers from the mainstream channels during its broadcast meant that the share of music channels grew significantly with Channel [V] standing out as the clear no 1," he added.
BS Corporate Bureau in Mumbai