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Hyderabad engineers working on CelluLan

March 03, 2006 03:21 IST
Voice over Internet Protocol phones may still be a distant dream and Voice over Wireless Local Area Network may still be unheard of in India.

But 60-odd engineers in Hyderabad are already working on the next form of convergence in communication technology – CelluLan, the demo of which is likely to be in Q4 of 2006.

San Jose-based HelloSoft, a leading supplier of signal processing technology and software defined radio solutions for VoIP, Wi-Fi, cellular and other converged markets, received $18 million as Series-B funding recently, with Intel Capital investing a couple of million dollars as part of this. A significant portion of this funding is being used in R&D for developing solutions like CelluLan at its Hyderabad centre.

A convergence of cellular and VoWLAN technology, CelluLan basically enables use of VoWLAN technology where there are Wi-Fi spots available, and cellular technology outside the Wi-Fi spots. For instance, a person using CelluLan technology on a campus that is Wi-Fi enabled, can continue doing so even when she steps out of the campus. Once she is out of the Wi-Fi spot, the phone will function on cellular technology.

According to Ron Victor, vice-president, marketing and business development, HelloSoft, the demo of this solution is likely to be in the fourth quarter of 2006.

So what are the basic advantages of this technology?

"Significant cost savings for the user on call charges, and the operator on the cost of deployment. This is because calls made via Wi-Fi technology are cheaper for the user and deployment of IP telephony requires less investment than circuit switch-based telephony for the operator," Victor said, adding that their solution optimises the usage of power thereby increasing the battery life of a phone as well.

HelloSoft's present client base includes both original device manufacturers and semiconductor manufacturers. The company employs around 140 people in Hyderabad and is looking at ramping up its operations. "We are dabbling with the idea of expanding to Bangalore as well," Victor said.
Barkha Shah in Chennai
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