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Petrochemicals: Hike import duty on polymers

February 08, 2010 17:40 IST

It would be pertinent to rationalize the duty on polymers to generate more investment in the sector.

Petrochemicals are chemicals manufactured from petroleum feed stocks.

Petrochemical manufacturing involves manufacture of building blocks by cracking or reforming operation; conversion of building blocks into intermediates such as fibre intermediates (Acrylonitrile, Caprolactam, Dimethyl Terephthalate/Purified Terephthalic Acid, Mono Ethylene Glycol); precursors (Styrene, Ethylene Dichloride, Vinyl Chloride Monomer, etc) and other chemical intermediates; production of synthetic fibres, plastics, elastomer, other chemicals and processing of plastics to produce consumer and industrial products.

Sector expectations

Analysts/market expectations

It is likely that the excise duty on Naphtha could be brought down on par with general CENVAT rule at 14% from 16%.

Stocks to watch

RIL, Finolex Industries, DCW, Bombay Dyeing


Petrochemical sector in recent times has been hit hardly by the volatility in crude prices and demand destruction worldwide due to global recession. Indian petrochemical sector too performed meekly.

Globally import duty on polymer ranges from 6.5% (Europe and the US) to as high as 30% in Malaysia. In Saudi Arabia it is at 12.5% where feedstock cost is almost one-sixth in India.

So it becomes pertinent to rationalize duty on polymers to generate more investment in the sector.

Outlook: Neutral

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