According to a release issued to the BSE on Thursday, the total revenue increased to Rs 8,066.67 crore (Rs 80.66 billion) for the year ended March 31, 2005 from Rs 5,037.09 crore (Rs 50.37 billion) in FY04.
The group has posted a 44 per cent increase in net profit at Rs 436.82 crore (Rs 4.36 billion) for the fourth quarter ended March 31, 2005 as against Rs 303.77 crore (Rs 3.03 billion) in Q4 FY04.
The total revenues increased to Rs 2,328.92 crore (Rs 23.28 billion) in Q4 FY05 from Rs 1,577.34 crore (Rs 15.77 billion) in Q4 FY04, the release added.
The company, offering various services, including cellular, basic and STD, crossed total revenue of Rs 8,000 crore during the year, Chairman and group Managing Director, Bharti Televentures, Sunil Bharti Mittal, said.
The company, which offers services throughout the country in 23 circles), claims to have a mobile customer base of over 1 crore, he said.