"We target to set up 10 clinics each year and it requires an investment of about Rs 50 lakh each. We will set up around 50 clinics in the next five years," Dr Batra's Chairman and Managing Director Mukesh Batra told PTI.
On expanding overseas, he said the company has incorporated a subsidiary, Dr Batra's International, in London and would open up the first clinic there in the next 3-6 months.
Dr Batra's is also in the process of opening a chain of clinics in Oman, for which talk are going on.
"We are in discussion with a big company from Muscat
The company is also exploring opportunities in 3-5 other countries, he said, but did not reveal any details.
Dr Batra's introduced on Monday latest hair transplant technology in New Delhi in association with Denmark-based Dermaticum. The homoeopathy firm is expecting to close at Rs 85 crore (Rs 850 million) in the current fiscal and looking for a revenue of over Rs 100 crore (Rs 1 billion) in 2008-09 financial year, Batra said.
Dr Batra's is currently operating 54 clinics in 17 cities across the country.