Tata Motors on Friday launched its sports utility vehicle Tata Safari Storme in Nepal, with price starting at Rs 37.85 lakh (Rs 3.78 million) Nepalese rupees (around Rs 23.70 lakh or Rs 2.37 million).
The Tata Safari Storme range would be available in Nepal in three variants and six colours, Tata Motors said in a statement.
"We now introduce the Tata Safari Storme to our customers in Nepal.
The SUV would be available throughout the Tata Motors network in Nepal, which consists of Sipradi Trading, the official distributor and its 12 dealerships, the company said.
Safari Storme powered by 2.2 litre VariCOR engine, turbocharged with Variable Turbine Technology, delivers 140 PS Power and 320 NM Torque.