Rashtriya Lok Dal chief Ajit Singh on Monday took charge of the civil aviation ministry, saying it was a 'sensitive' portfolio.
Singh held a meeting with top officials of the Union civil aviation ministry at Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan in Delhi.
"The minister feels that it will take him a couple days to understand the issues involved and he does not want to comment on this sensitive subject before being thorough," an aide said.
The appointment of the 72-year-old leader comes at a time when the aviation industry
National carrier Air India's precarious financial situation will also keep Singh's hands full.
The civil aviation portfolio was held as an additional charge by Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi who was not present when Singh took over his new office.
The RLD chief's induction in the government is also expected to have an impact on the forthcoming Uttar Pradesh elections, especially in Singh's stronghold in the Jat-dominated western Uttar Pradesh.