Acer India has announced the launch of its Acer Power 330 series PC, based on Intel's latest Pentium 4 Processor with hyper-threading technology.
With system memory of 128 MB DDR RAM, upgradeable to 2 GB and storage capacity of 40 GB HDD Hard Drive @ 5400 RPM, the Acer Power 330 has an integrated 10/100 Network Integrated Card, 52 x CD ROM, PS/2 Acer Black 104 keys keyboard, black PS/2 optical mouse, multiple ports, a 15" CRT black monitor and on board sound and graphics, a release said.
"Using the Linux operating system, the distinctive feature of the Acer Power 330, apart from having the latest Intel 64-bit hyper threading technology for power-packed performance, is the lifetime anti virus from E Trust," it said.
The PC is priced at Rs 17,999 with a one-year onsite warranty.