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December 29, 2006
'Nothing can beat cricket'
An interview with ESPN Software (India) Pvt Ltd's Managing Ddirector R C Venkateish.
December 28, 2006
How to make the most of IPOs
Real estate, infrastructure, BPOs and telecom are likely to be the major sectors that will be going for fund raising.
December 27, 2006
The housing bubble is set to burst
The realty run-up in the tier-II cities in north India are outrunning the employment opportunities, says Unitech's MD Sanjay Chandra.
December 18, 2006
'India on verge of becoming a superpower'
To accelerate that coming of age we have to be inspired and involved for the transformation to be catapulted to the real world stage, says fomre VSNL chairman B K Syngal.
December 15, 2006
'Nanotech holds key to the future'
P M Ajayan, one of the top 50 scientific researchers in the US, holds forth on nanotech and how it can help India in energy and health care sectors.
December 14, 2006
'IIT is about fundas'
IIT-ians share some common values -- even those from different IITs demonstrate these similarities. These are basically a down-to-earth approach, good work ethics and an application of our mind to problems and challenges.
December 13, 2006
Success tip: No idea is too small
IITians have made a lot of difference to India by putting in on the technological map of the world, says IIT-ian Rajendra Gadgil.
'Getting into IIT was an overpowering inspiration'
An interview with former IIT-ian Kanakasabapathy Pandyan.
December 12, 2006
'Let Pan IIT build a bridge of philanthropy'
An interview with Mathew Eipe, executive director & president (chemicals), Godrej.
December 11, 2006
5 tips to succeed for young IIT-ians
S Rajagopalan advices IIT-ians to under-promise and over-deliver.
December 09, 2006
UBS has big plans in India
We wish to build a leading investment banking set up in India.
December 08, 2006
'IIT education is a wonderful package'
An interview with Kekoo Colah, executive director of Knight Frank (India) Pvt Ltd.
December 07, 2006
'IIT-ians have created a global brand'
IIT graduates have enabled every Indian to raise his/her head with esteem all over the world, says Commander (Retd) V K Jaitly.
'IIT-ians must give something back to India'
In an interview to, former IIT-ian Satish Kini stresses on the importance of technology in modern India.
December 06, 2006
'Now, Americans connect India with technology'
Americans never connected India with technology in the old days, now they are seeing it and going, 'Oh wow! India. . . who knew,!' says Kanchana Thamodaran.
December 05, 2006
'Infosys comes first and all of us accept this'
There is lot of mutual respect among the founders of Infosys. We have similar value systems. We have a long-term view of the business. We want to create a respected institution, says S Gopalakrishnan, President, Infosys.
December 04, 2006
5 things entrepreneurs must do to succeed
Come up with a compelling idea; have a well thought out execution plan; and execute as planned and demonstrate success quickly, says Uma Ganesh, CEO, Kalzoom Tech.
'Seamless network to drive new generation technology'
If you want to make a telephone call, your PDA or PC will work just as well as your cellphone.
December 01, 2006
'IIT-ians are God's gift to the world'
The problem solving training that you can get in IITs is fantastic. Now IIT-ians need to convert it into knowledge that is relevant, says Shailesh Gandhi.
November 29, 2006
Joining a BPO? Some tips for you
In an e-mail interview with Senior Associate Editor (features) Indrani Roy Mitra, OnTrac's director Ravi Venkatesam throws light on his company's modus operandi, people it trains and also on the future of the Indian BPO industry.
November 28, 2006
Find books at cheapest prices @
The two 30-year-olds co-founded what they described was the next generation online shopping engine focusing on true price discovery and unparalleled consumer benefits.
November 27, 2006
'Most work on NHDP-II will be done by 2009'
The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has been under attack for delays in completion of its road projects as well as for poor corridor management.
Clear strategies = Successful buyouts
Indian companies will have to devise clear-cut strategies on acquisitions to build their global presence.
How India can meet new expectations
Sustaining 8-10 per cent growth will require lots of partnerships and some innovation says Lee Howell of the World Economic Forum.
November 24, 2006
'IIT-ians have the whole world ahead of them'
An interview with FCBUlka executive director M G (Ambi) Parameswaran.
Now, watch new Hindi films online! will offer Indian video content across multiple genres, free and paid, on demand 24/7 to a worldwide audience.
November 18, 2006
'We'll put 10% of profit in new areas'
We can be cash positive in no time, the day we decide to slow down investments
November 16, 2006
'India produces world's best recruiters'
By 2010, there will be shortage of half a million professionals in India.
November 15, 2006
'Traditional advertising is a narcotic'
the more you advertise a product to keep up its sales, the more you need to advertise.
November 09, 2006
'Bill Gates is super smart at technology and business'
Microsoft boss Bill Gates has a rare gift: he is super smart from, both, the technology and the business perspectives, says S Somasager, corporate VP, Microsoft Corp.
'Nation building, top priority for IIT-ians'
'IIT-ians want to contribute to nation building and the Pan IIT meet provides a channel to do that. We want to move beyond words and set up an action plan for this,' says Pradeep Gupta.
November 08, 2006
'50% Silicon Valley firms are run by Indians'
Indians are bagging leadership positions, as they have shown that they can run companies. Small Indian-run in the US companies are already making good products, says Raghav Kher, CEO, Seventymm.
November 07, 2006
'You just cannot do without IIT-ians'
An interview with former IIT-ian and corporate head honcho Nabankur Gupta.
November 03, 2006
NIC's successful e-governance projects
The National Informatics Centre has been at the forefront of almost each and every e-governance project you can think of in India.
November 01, 2006
Reddy lauds India's entrepreneurial spirit
Yes, credit growth is extraordinary but the entrepreneurial spirit is also extraordinary, says the RBI Governor.
Now, pay shopping, credit card bills via mobile
PayMate is here with a mobile payment solution, which offers convenience and flexibility of making payments by simply sending an SMS.
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