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Garuda, the car that runs 180 km per litre!

August 6, 2008

Text: Vicky Nanjappa

A car that offers a mileage of 180 kilometers to a litre of petrol? Yes!

It's neither a pipedream nor a gadget out of a science fiction flick. Garuda, is a car that has been developed by a group of mechanical engineering students from the Rashtriya Vidyalaya College of Engineering, Bangalore.

The super fuel-efficient, aerodynamic car, say the brains behind the project, will address raging issues like oil crisis, rising fuel costs, environmental pollution, and the desperate need for green technologies.

The car is the result of 'Project Garuda-RVCE Supermileage Car,' which was conceptualised by Nishant Sarawagi, the team leader, and seven of his mates: Bharat, Kayaan, Darshan, Jacob, Gautham, Krishna, and Rakshit.

So what are the distinctive features of this fantastic car? Read on. . .

Photographs, courtesy: Project Garuda-RVCE Supermileage

Image: The sleek, super fuel-efficient Gaurda.

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