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Budget may be good for women, senior citizens
Ajay Bagga,
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February 22, 2007 17:19 IST

Mr Chidambaram has continued the steps he initiated in his earlier tenure as finance minister in the late 1990s, in his last budget.

Overall the macro economic picture is buoyant, with 8% economic growth over the last 4 years and forecast of 9.2% economic growth in this financial year. The thrust on education, rural development, infrastructure and urban renewal in the last budget was a welcome move.

The cut in custom and excise duties and no increase in direct tax rates was a positive for the markets. The increase in service tax rates and STT has been taken in its stride by the market. The intention to evolve a consensus on the three areas of subsidies - food, fertilizers and petrol demonstrated both coalition dharma and political maturity. However, this was not addressed in the course of the year.

The macro economic positives of reduced revenue and fiscal deficits, increase in plan expenditure by 20% while holding non-plan expenditure increase to 5% proved to be attractive for long term investors in the Indian market.

The increased flexibility to invest abroad, the alignment of close-ended fund's tax treatment with open-ended funds and the ability to invest in foreign ETFs were positive moves for the Mutual Fund Industry. Gold ETF guidelines were finalized and we have had the first launch as well. Real Estate Investment Trust guidelines are expected shortly.

This year, the expectations from the Budget are as follows:

Expectations of the mutual fund industry from the Union Budget 2007:

The mutual fund industry has seen a strong growth over the last five years. With policy support, the industry can leap frog to the next level of growth and maturity.

Some expectations of the Mutual Fund industry with the Union Budget this year include:

The author is chief executive officer, Lotus India Asset Management Co Pvt Ltd.

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