As on 14th January, a total number of 350 applications for domain name registrations have been received by the .IN Registrars, an official release said in New Delhi.
The registration services for the '.IN' domain commenced from January 1 with the "sunrise period" which will extend up to January 21.
All registered companies and registered trademark owners are given time during this period, technically known as the sunrise applicants, to select their addresses in their names, after which a silent period will prevail.
From February 16, open-registration will start for the general public. However, those entering for registration after the stipulated period of February 15, will have to choose from the 'left-over' names only.
At present, there are six accredited registrars for '.IN' registry -- Directi, Net4India, Good Luck Domains Pvt Ltd, OnlineNIC, Inc, SGS Technologies, and Sify.
In addition to this, ERNET India is operating as a registrar for academic and research institutions covering the domains, '', '' and '' while National Informatics Centre serves as the designated registrar for government organisations under the domain name ''.
The government will be appointing more registrars as this will be an open and continuous process.