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AmFest: Destination India
A Correspondent in Mumbai |
May 18, 2004 17:52 IST
Last Updated: May 18, 2004 20:37 IST
The Indo American Chamber of Commerce is keen to boost American exports into India and to enhance the trade ties between the two countries.
The chamber has planned AmFest, an exposition-cum-socio-cultural festival of American consumer products and culture in Mumbai from June 3 to June 5, to provide a platform for small and medium American enterprises to build long lasting, productive relationships with potential Indian traders for the stocking, retail and distribution of their products.
The trade fest will be held at Taj Land's End, Mumbai. AmFest will showcase various American consumer goods (foods, beverages, wines, cosmetics and beauty and healthcare products, etc) that will provide a window of opportunity to American exporters, manufacturers, etc., interested in tapping into the Indian market.
The trade fair will also serve as a venue for fruitful interaction between American companies and potential Indian importers, retailers, etc, said IACC in a media release.
The Indo-American Chamber of Commerce was established in 1968 to promote bi-lateral trade and commerce between India and the United States. It is the only Indo-US bilateral chamber which is in the forefront of inviting foreign investments and assisting Indian companies to locate joint venture partners allied with US businesses and networking with affiliate offices in the US.
AmFest is supported by the Southern United States Trade Association (SUSTA) and Alabama International Trade Center from the US, and Foreign Agriculture Service India.
A seminar would be conducted on the first day of the event. Titled 'Trade Insights', which will throw light on a host of trade-related matters. The speakers would be highly distinguished individuals from a variety of disciplines. The three days of the trade fest would be interspersed with a host of events.
rediff.com is the online partner, Star News is the television media partner, and Radio City FM is the radio partner for AmFest.