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IIM-B alumni meet on May 8

A Correspondent in Mumbai | May 05, 2004 17:54 IST
Last Updated: May 05, 2004 22:13 IST

The alumni of the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, will gather for Anusmaran -- the annual alumni meet -- on May 8 at nine venues in four different countries.

The event is being held simultaneously in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangalore, London, Tokyo, and Singapore. It has been organised by the Student Alumni Committee at IIM-Bangalore. New York, which was the tenth venue in 2003, was not included this year due to 'logistic problems.'

Last year, over 1,800 IIM-Bangalore alumni attended the meet. The organisers expect the number to go up significantly this year.

Anusmaran also serves as a platform for networking among the corporate milieu and allows the institute brand to be strengthened among the alumnus.

"It is a great way to connect with the old times and meet long lost friends. It's a great opportunity for IIMB-ians to meet and network, and realise potential business opportunities among each other," says Sumit Chandwani, Director, ICICI Ventures, and student from the batch of 1991.

Chandwani says that there is a certain level of trust that already exists when you are from the same institute, thus helping in furthering the cause.

Anusmaran this year also coincides with the relaunch of IIMB alumni Website -- www.iimbalumni.org. The site has been completely redesigned and has various new sections and updated information.

For more details about Anusmaran, log on to www.iimbalumni.org/anusmaran.asp

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