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Pakistan nervous about emerging Taleban-India ties
'The Taleban supports the struggle for an Islamic government in Kashmir. But the main international goal of the Taleban now is to be recognized as the legitimate government of Afghanistan,' says Barnett R Rubin, Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Preventive Action.

'The state with the closest ties and strongest links to Afghanistan is Pakistan'
'The Taleban derive much of their religious inspiration from the Deobandi movement in Pakistan.'

'If the hijackers refuse, we will motivate them in anyway': Taleban
'We will try our best to help find a solution for the release of the hostages,' Abdul Hakim Mujahid, the Taleban movement's representative in New York told in an interview from his office in Queens.

Lost Treasures Gone to 0
'It is a sad testament to our community's inability to transmit our heritage to our youth that most of our youngsters don't know the difference between Brahmagupta and Brahmaputra.'

Sikh Militants Resent Being suspected In Firebombing of Moderate Politician
Though they have made their dislike for him public and have disrupted many of his political meetings, several militants, speaking on condition of no-attribution, thought Ujjal Dosanjh's backers are only too happy to blame them


Remembering Kargil, Orissa, and Kandahar, Some Will Forego Millennium Galas
Many Hindu temples and ashrams are holding retreats and midnight prayers, chanting and meditation to usher in the new year.

College Dropout Launches Online Community For Students Worldwide
Founded in New York City in August this year, WhataboutU seeks to be a global destination and online community builder for university and college bound students between the ages of 15 and 25.

Sikhs Complain Their Reputation Was Hijacked
Even the venerably NYT ran a front page story which began this way: 'Five Sikh men said to be armed with grenades, rifles and knives hijacked an Indian Airline jet yesterday'.

Taliban Rep in New York: 'We Will Take All Action to Rescue the Passengers'
'Our government got in touch with Indian government as soon as the plane landed and offered full cooperation,' Abdul Hakim Mujahid said. 'But the Indian government did not respond.'

Indian Scientists File Complaints Against Top Defense Laboratory in America
Nine Asian American scientists and engineers, including two Indians, have filed complaints with California State, alleging they are paid less than their white counterparts. If unresolved, the complainants could go to court.

eLance Chief Urges Students To Join Startups As Soon As Possible
Srinivas Anumolu says Indian students ought to target India since they have a natural advantage and because Indian Internet companies are going to get high valuations.

Check out earlier reports!

 India Headlines
Hijack is remote-controlled,
   says intelligence
A very ill Khurana
   returns home

 More Hijack News
One hostage released for
   treatment, returns to plane
Desperate relatives
   turn to god
Clinton may call off
   visit, says LA Times
Cabinet to meet tomorrow
   for fresh appraisal
Caught on hijacked
   plane? Relax
Centre asks J&K govt
   for info on 35 militants
Who are these 35 men?
The mysterious call
   of December 4
'Katju is the best
   possible negotiator
Govt denies reports
   of militants' release
Kathamandu denies Nepali
   involvement in hijacking
'We should not treat
    warnings as empty threats'
'The country's dignity
   comes first'

Nepal tourism's honeymoon
   with India sours
Budget 2000 will continue tax
   reforms, hints Sinha

Australia wins series
Keeper Dighe replaces
   M S K Prasad for one-dayers
No replacement for
   injured Ramesh
Pick and discard
Duleep Trophy round-up

 The Columnists
Devangshu Dattaon
   entertainment sector
Daniel Laidlaw on Sachin
   and Lee
Krishna Prasad on changes
   in Indian line-up
Saisuresh Sivaswamy on
   on the hijack drama
Arvind Lavakare on
   Indian education
Abhilasha Khaitan on
   the pressures Down Under
Harsha Bhogle on the
    Aussie aggression
Daniel Laidlaw on
    Indian bowling
Neeraj Kaushal on
Varsha Bhosle on response
   to her last column
T V R Shenoy on
   the latest in the Bofors
Dilip D'Souza on the attitude
   of relief
Ashwin Mahesh on mother
   tongue first
Earlier Columns
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