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Released hostages return to Delhi
From the debriefing of the passengers, intelligence agencies now believe that the hijackers are armed only with two knives, two pistols and two grenades.

Hijackers threaten to crash plane if forced to leave Afghanistan
Denying any role in the incident, Pakistan has 'begun talks' with the Taliban to end the crisis. A senior minister and Pakistan's ambassador in Kabul are said to be involved in the negotiations.

Hijackers demand Maulana Masood Azhar's release
He was general secretary of the Harkat-ul-Ansar. According to the authorities in Srinagar he was a journalist in an Urdu newspaper in Pakistan before he joined the militant outfit.

'I have lost my son, please bring back my daughter-in-law'
The hijackers killed 25-year-old Rupin Katyal.

'I did not hear any gunshots'
An eyewitness account of the hijack.

Kashmir-watchers puzzled by the Islamic Salvation Front
As a name, it draws inspiration from the Algerian outfit with the same name, the FIS (the initials are in French) which has been involved in a seven-year battle with the Algerian army that now runs the country.

4 Kathmandu airport officials arrested for helping hijackers
It is widely acknowledged that had it not been for the abysmal inefficiency of the Nepalese airport authorities the hijackers could not have boarded the plane with AK 47 rifles and grenades.

India could have done an Entebbe at Amritsar
'There is an urgent need to have a SOP -- Standard Operating Procedure -- which automatically goes into action the moment such a crisis occurs,' said retired Air Commodore Uday Bhaskar.

India had been warned of the hijacking
It is now known that the United States' Central Intelligence Agency had more than a month ago alerted Indian authorities of plans by Islamic/Kashmiri militants to carry out some sensational action.

'They were ruthless'
Another eyewitness account.

Hijackers demand once-formidable Kashmiri militant's release
Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar was the chief commander of the Al-Umar militant outfit and is now lodged in the Kotbalwal prison in Jammu.

Govt blasted for dilly-dallying
Major General (retired) Afsar Karim said the government should not have allowed the aircraft to take off from Amritsar. 'Maybe there would have been a couple of casualties, but most of the passengers and crew would have been saved.'

8 crew members hail from Hyderabad
They have been identified as co-pilot Rajinder Kumar, airhostesses Rajani, Sabita, Mukherjee, Kalpana Majumdar, Debnath and Menon and flight purser Sateesh.

No third party mediation to end hijack crisis: Jaswant
Asked if any country had offered its services to end the crisis, the external affairs minister contended, 'India has taken the initiative in all these matters.'

The list of passengers released
The names of 26 passengers released by the hijackers in Dubai.

The passengers on IA Flight 814
Names of all the 174 passengers and 11 crew.

Naxalites blow up railway
   station in Bihar
Ex-minister sent to jail
   on corruption charges

CBI catches up with
   fugitive Ashok Aggarwal
Goa's millennium rave
   party is stillborn
BJP's divisions may come
   to the fore in Madras
PM promises huge
   power project to Bihar
Big revolt brewing in CPI-M
Sonia revamps Congress
Thakre appoints new
   BJP office-bearers
TDP introspects on
   electoral setbacks

Lillee warns against use of
   replays at grounds
Rutherford to coach Ireland
John Reid opts out of
   Pakistan-Lanka series

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Rajeev Srinivasan on
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