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Peter Mathews Makes Another Bid for Congress
He says there is no way he will give up fighting to get a seat in the Congress. No Indian has found a seat in the House of Representatives since Dalip Singh Saund's election in the 1960s.

The numbers man
Shripad Tuljapurkar's four-year-old firm, Mountain View Research, develops analytical tools and educational products to help policy-makers and individuals adapt to demographic change.

Mahajans disgusted; university cancels Kissinger visit
The university canceled Kissinger's visit citing 'analysis and advice of security agencies, including the US Secret Service and the UT-Austin police,' although the Secret Service said this week it did not tell school officials to cancel the lecture.

Baldwin competes with Rushdie for Commonwealth Writers Prize
'If you had predicted that I, a second-generation Canadian living in Milwaukee, would write a book set in colonial India, in the area that is now Pakistan, about a Sikh woman in a polygamous marriage, I would have said, "Me?" ' Shauna Singh Baldwin says.

'If I don't put handcuffs, you may grab a pen and kill me'
'The agent put a handcuff on me. He didn't say anything. He didn't read my rights... They treated us like common criminals.' Rajeev Srinivasan on the INS's abominable treatment of 40 Indian software developers.


SC ignores US court, gives woman her kids
A division bench of the apex court said the decree passed by the American court, though a relevant factor, could not override the consideration of welfare of the minor children.

Politicians intrigued by labor union's plea to give amnesty to 6 million illegal immigrants
The AFL-CIO policy shift marks a dramatic turnabout from its historic opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants and efforts to force employers to help keep them out.

He brings the moon to you
Moon sighting data provided by computer programs like Shaukat's help Muslims to prepare for festivities in advance.

Washington whispers
Rumors have it that two Indian Americans will accompany President Clinton to India. Who will be they?

Dosanjh savoring historic victory, rejects Opposition demand for mid-term poll
The election is due next year but the Liberals led by Gordon Campbell have started saying that Dosanjh has no mandate to rule British Columbia.

Hey! Ram: The title says it all!
Audiences in many theatres felt cheated that Shah Rukh Khan, who featured prominently in the movie's publicity, had a small role.

Check out earlier reports!

Wasim Jaffer, Murali
   Karthik in final 2
Kapil takes a crack
   at the selectors

Kargil panel blames
   choice of new military intelligence
Azhar is prime mover
   in J&K insurgency
President calls for tough
   economic measures
Much lobbying on for
   choice of new army chief
The Bihar politician
   trusts his whirligig
Centre notifies Constitution
   review commission
Deepa Mehta to meet
   Jyoti Basu on Thursday
Dohibar: where not many
   are left to vote
Eminent personalities debate
   whether India is a soft state

 AFP News
Narayanan will visit
   China in May
Hampi risks deletion from
   world heritage list
Military demands larger
   share of budget

CII urges Sinha to simplify
   income-tax system
HLL 99-00 net up 32%
   to Rs 10.69 billion

Trading strategy for Feb 24
Trading strategy for the
   week ending Feb 27

An interview with T Kumaran

 The Columnists
Rajeev Srinivasan on
   racism in the US
Arvind Lavakare on the
   uniform civil code
Cedric D'Souza on the
   ban on Russell Garcia
Earlier Columns
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