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SC ignores US court, gives woman her kids
A division bench of the apex court said the decree passed by the American court, though a relevant factor, could not override the consideration of welfare of the minor children.

Politicians intrigued by labor union's plea to give amnesty to 6 million illegal immigrants
The AFL-CIO policy shift marks a dramatic turnabout from its historic opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants and efforts to force employers to help keep them out.

He brings the moon to you
Moon sighting data provided by computer programs like Shaukat's help Muslims to prepare for festivities in advance.

Washington whispers
Rumors have it that two Indian Americans will accompany President Clinton to India. Who will be they?

Dosanjh savoring historic victory, rejects Opposition demand for mid-term poll
The election is due next year but the Liberals led by Gordon Campbell have started saying that Dosanjh has no mandate to rule British Columbia.

Hey! Ram: The title says it all!
Audiences in many theatres felt cheated that Shah Rukh Khan, who featured prominently in the movie's publicity, had a small role.

'Welcome to America. Now here are your handcuffs'
'I fear there is an element of "Whatever will the Americans think of us model-minority Indian-Americans? We must denounce this man just in case the Americans think we are all sex-criminals. See, we are not like him." Fie on that sentiment, I say! Let us worry about the reality, not what someone else may think,' says Rajeev Srinivasan.


Charges against computer programmers in San Antonio dropped
But there is not a word of apology from the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the agency that arrested them.

Attorney General Dosanjh makes history, becomes first Asian premier in Canada
Dosanjh fought off a serious challenge by his charismatic opponent and charges that his supporters signed up hundreds of bogus members.

Who is killing immigrants in Houston?
A series of murders, a majority of them involving convenience stores clerks, has rattled the minority community.

Two Indian students on USA Today's top-20 USA Team
Cited among Neelaksh Varshney's achievements by USA Today selection committee was his article about using tele-medicine in rural areas which was published by a Princeton University bio-ethics journal.

US will mediate in J&K only if asked: Clinton
'Unless we were asked by both parties to help, we can't get involved. In every other case we are involved, it is because both parties have asked us to be involved,' the President said.

Reddy's attorneys want separate trials for father and son
Defense lawyers believe that separate trials mean a speedy resolution of the cases. Besides, it will not be the same judge and the jury who will decide the fate of their clients.

Hollywood bigwigs back Deepa Mehta
George Lucas, creator of the Star Wars series, is so upset that he is taking advertisements in Hollywood trade publications, condemning the events that led to the cancellation of the Water shoot.

Why is Kissinger scared of the Mahajan brothers?
The former secretary of state calls off his speech following protests by students at the University of Texas in Austin.

Dark clouds over desi box-office
Badal earned a paltry $ 64,000 last weekend. Given the usual pattern of 45 to 50 per cent decline for desi movies in the second week, it could exit with just about $ 150,000 in three weeks.

Confidentiality: Census to issue television ads to reassure minorities
Census officials are worried that a lot of people, either out of cynicism or negligence, will not fill in the forms.

Check out earlier reports!

5 killed, 7 hurt in Pak
   shelling on J&K town
10 killed in Bihar
   electoral violence

IIT, Kanpur may
   honour Clinton
Did Vincent George
   make millions?
Did 60% vote in largely
   peaceful Orissa polls
Of profit and predation
Electorate turns against
   Congress in Orissa
CVC probing defence
   deals on priority
Uneasy calm on Rajasthan
   border after firing by Pak
Stormy Budget session will
   commence on Wednesday
Karmapa Lama likely to get
   refugee status in India
Pakistan tells rebel Chechen
   leader to leave

Scorching Summer 2000
   looms over Andhra Pradesh
Sales soar, yet Maruti's
   market share dips
NSE posts highest turnover
HDFC Bank, Telco in tie-up
   to push car sales
IFCI, IDBI merger ruled out

Software stocks continue to
   be in great demand
Trading strategy for Feb 23
Trading strategy for the
   week ending Feb 27

Wanted: MRF spin academy
Golfer Vijay Kumar on a high

 The Columnists
Varsha Bhosle on
   jungle warfare school
T V R Shenoy on the
   hype about Clinton's visit
Dilip D'Souza on the
   citizenship question
Earlier Columns
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