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Desi Detractors, Defenders Of West Wing
The threat of another "war" between India and Pakistan recently became a 'reality,' albeit on a fictionalized prime time television show. And it launched a public opinion battle, with some Indians complaining it was anti-Indian, and a few saying the show addressed an aspect of South Asian political reality many Americans are not aware of.

Organization Offers New Lease Of Life to Indians
To many people like Dave, who battle addiction, spousal problems and other related problems in New York and the neighboring states, the Nav Nirmaan Foundation has, over the last decade, become a major source of recovery. "What is very significant about an organization like this," he says, "is it is run by South Asian professionals. They understand our minds and hearts."

Rajmohan Gandhi To Hold Discussion on India-Pakistan Relations
The event is scheduled for January 26, India's Republic Day. A research scholar based at the Center for Policy Studies in New Delhi and an editor for several years, Gandhi will be in Atlanta from January 24 to February 11.

Census Officials Seek Greater Ethnic Participation
To lead a $ 160 million ad campaign, the US Census Bureau hired the New York advertising firm Young & Rubicam, which then subcontracted several other agencies to target the main minority groups -- African Americans, Asians, Hispanics and American Indians. Advertisements about the census have been appearing in every major Indian American publication.


Anti-Hinduism Booklet: Southern Baptists Declare War on 7 Congressmen
The Southern Baptists, having refused to back down from the infamous booklet against Hinduism it mailed to 40,000 of its churches and affiliated institutions, are now denouncing seven members of the Congress who wrote them a strongly-worded letter against the booklet, demanding its withdrawal.

Canada to Make It Easier for Students, Professionals Become Citizens
Worried over its aging population, a slow birth rate and the shortage of professionals in areas as high tech, medicine and nursing, Canada is pledging to boost immigration to a dramatic high -- at least 300,000 a year.

Vedanta in Real Life
For a long time Lakshmi Sukumar has been telling her guru, Swami Chidananda, that she would love to get involved in a humanitarian cause on a long-going basis. Last week not only did she give something tangible to an Indian family, but she also got her family involved in the act.

Chutney Popcorn Bound For Berlin
One of the youngest film-makers in America, Nisha Ganatra, will have her first feature film competing at one of the oldest and most respected film festivals in the world.

Rekhi's Payback Time Comes With $ 5 Million Donation
FFE, a Santa Clara-based non-profit organization, helps talented, but poor students in India to complete their high school and college. Many students that FFE has helped are in medical and engineering schools in India.

Have Questions About Hinduism: Ask Aunt Beth
To Houston's Hindu residents, Beth Kulkarni, who was recently elected as the president of the VHP of America's Houston branch, is a strong member of the Hindu parivar.

Bollywood's Millennium Jinx
According to box office figures released by Hollywood trade publication, Daily Variety, Dharmesh Darshan's Mela and T Rama Rao's Bulandi, had mediocre box office openings in the first three days of release.

Making Sense of Cricket in New York
'I was jealous of cricket because it took the attention of the boys away from me. I wanted to be the object of their concentration,subject of their fiercest passions and the most precious of their possessions. I wanted to be that cricket ball,' Shoba Narayan on her wicket, wicket ways.

Three Cousins And A Canteen
Komala Nivas provides some pure Madras sapad -- sambar, rasam, the works. All this bang in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Check out earlier reports!

 India Headlines
Inside Nepal: the
   terror network
Centre, Kashmir decide on
   steps to combat terror

Sold for Rs 40, Banita
   cries for justice
Nobody steals in Sialia
NSA invoked against striking
   power workers in UP
Vajpayee calls for inquiry
   into college girl's killing
Jayalalitha's acquittal
   rattles DMK
Surjeet blasts CPI-M rebels
CBI finds no evidence
   of 'lock-up murder'
Ageing ships may cut
   Lakshadweep off from India

Trading strategy for week
   ending Jan 23, 2000

Paes cruises into second
   round of Oz Open
Board President's XI bags
   the Wills Trophy

 The Columnists
T V R Shenoy on the
   rot at the top
Rajiv Shukla on the
   Karmapa's flight
Steve Waugh on watching
   against complacency
Harsha Bhogle on demons
   in the mind
Earlier Columns
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