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News | January 11, 2000
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'Sixth Sense' Wins People's Choice Award
The spooky film directed by Manoj 'Night' Shyamalan about a boy who sees dead people makes its point.
Indian Women Win Web Award
Deb Agarwal, a top scientist at a national laboratory, and Radha Ramaswami Basu, a high-tech entrepreneur, were among those honored by Women on the Web.

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Rediff Shopping Bonanza
The Millennium Special for
all your needs this season
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   UCLA lunch
   January 15
   Pongal event
   January 16
   Col Hanna's pics
   Till February 16
   Sitar concert
   January 15
   Prenatal yoga
   January 11
   Career fair
   January 10
   Talk on conflicts
   January 16
   Poetry reading
   January 15
   Film screening
   January 13
   Ayyappa puja
   January 14

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  the rediff community this week
  the columnists
 - The Infosys Chat
    Third quarter results
    Jan 11, 1200 IST
    [0130 EST]

 - Shah Rukh Khan
    January 14, 2100 IST
    [1030 EST]

 - The Movie Chat
    Jan 12, 2100 IST
    [1030 EST]

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 - Rediff Poll
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    views New

 - Rajeev Srinivasan
   on faith and respect
 - Sucheta Dalal on
   corruption 'chalta hai'
 - Daniel Laidlaw on the
   ICC reprieve for Shoaib
 - Earlier Columns

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