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Hijackers got no
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Two cabbies slain on
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TB among immigrants
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Confessions of a cross-
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Vivekananda's legacy
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Tribal-Christian tension erupts again in Gajapati
The attack was the third in a series of skirmishes between the Panas and the tribals this week and took place despite the deployment of a large contingent of police in the area following a clash between cops and tribals last week in Majhiguda village that left eight dead.

Hijackers believed to be in PoK
According to Indian intelligence sources, the hijackers, who left Kandahar on the evening of December 31, reached one of the Harkat-ul-Ansar camps in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir by the next afternoon.

'I must have died one hundred times...'
'I told the passengers that if worse comes to worst, then we shall fight for our lives and try to save as many lives as we could. I showed them how to open the door, how to open the chutes and how to slide down,' says Captain D Saran, commander of the hijacked Flight IC-814, in the concluding part of an exclusive interview.

The Brains Trust
Silicon Valley gurus to help India become an IT power by 2008.

The rise and rise of mutual funds
Dhirendra Kumar on how mutual funds performed in 1999 and what to look out for in 2000.

The good, the bad, the impossibly ugly
Ten Indians showed they didn't have the stomach for a fight. And one, with his bags packed for the return trip home, stood tall and proud amidst the ruins, says Prem Panicker in his report on the third and, as it turns out, final day of the Sydney Test.

'The look, in the next century, has to be Indian'
'The mad copying of the West was reflected in Hindi cinema as well in the '70s. It gave way to a ridiculous way of dressing. Just imagine, Saira Banu, daughter of Indian parents, sports a blonde wig!' Tarun Tahiliani on the landmarks in Indian fashion.

Forever RD!
Rahul Dev Burman, one of India's finest music composers, passed away on January 4, five years ago. A tribute.

Ravishing Raveena's back!
In a new, deglamorised version.

'To write in English about India is to basically work in a very confined field'
'I feel that keenly in my own life, most of which has been spent in the Hindi heartland, in small towns, and I know that only a small aspect of that experience is translatable into English,' says Pankaj Mishra in the second part of our exclusive interview.

Cure The Other Epilepsy Now
'Women have demanded reservation of seats in Parliament; they have demanded the right to be pilots and shuttlers in spacecraft; they have demanded that men too should nurse the new-born and therefore be entitled to "paternity" leave, etc etc. But they have never launched a movement for securing a uniform civil code. Why?' wonders Arvind Lavakare.

Who will avenge Rupin Katyal?
'Those responsible for this gauche, yet deadly, game are responsible for Katyal's death, and since the government has more or less admitted that it lacks the wherewithal to bring the hijackers to book, the least it can do is carry out an inquiry to pinpoint responsibility for the failure at various levels of administration,' says Saisuresh Sivaswamy.

The Australian juggernaut rolls on
India, says Daniel Laidlaw, played worse instead of better in this Test.

Seven up and looking for eight
All-conquering Aussie skipper Steve Waugh looks back on a remarkable summer.

Authority was the key to Laxman's batting
Bobby Simpson says it was pure magic to watch undoubtedly the finest batting of the season.

Fielding let West Zone down
Amol Muzumdar debuts on rediff with his impressions of the Duleep Trophy final.

India to design ABM on
   lines of Star Wars
Advani denies he had
   wanted to resign

Police reveal Bombay
   connection to hijack
Dead airman's mother takes
   defence ministry to court
Student's death ignites
   Ranga University campus
Mercury dips dangerously
   in north India

Fiscal deficit is the issue
   in pre-budget talks
Anti-tobacco law remains
   on paper in Goa

Kiwis beat Windies by 7
   wickets in second one-dayer
Mahesh Bhupathi out of
   Davis Cup action

 Check them out!
Who are the
Mind of a militant
Millennium Special
Business: Yearend Special
Naushad, 80!
The Rajinikanth Special
Wish the stars

 The Columnists
Anil Nair on the Islamic
   threat to India
Darryl D'Monte on the
   enviromental movement
Steve Waugh on his
   team's hunger for victories
Abhilasha Khaitan on the
   umpiring Down Under
Amrit Mathur on
   striking the right balance
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