The fave sites
The Week, Survey, September 10, 2000
The Netmonitor survey by ORG-Marg has given clear indications about the preferences of India’s youth. Yahoo and Rediff
have scored over other Web sites as the overwhelming favourites but for specific subjects, the youngsters go to specific sites.
Not surprisingly, they are bothered a lot about jobs and cricket: Naukri.com, Jobsahead.com, thatscricket.com and cricket.org
were some of the sites which they went back to. While music buffs swore by MTV.com, those interested in films accessed
Filmfare.com and the fun-loving sections patronized Indiagames.com. Expectedly, the majority used the Internet mainly for
email while a good number chatted at least once a week. About half the youth also used the Net as a source of educational