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  Enhance your career

Use the Internet to search for information related to jobs and career opportunities. This means that you no longer have to depend only upon placement agencies or go directly to the companies when you are job hunting.

Rediff Jobs is a tool that helps you search a job that matches your skills.

Using this tool you can…

  • Search for jobs posted by companies on their Web sites
  • Search for jobs openings within your industry
  • Search for useful tips that will increase your chances of getting a job
You can search a database of over 10,000 job openings by specifying the category and the city of your preference.

If you are an employer you can search through the resumes posted online to find a suitable candidate. You will need to register to use this service.

For financial sector openings, visit Rediff Money.

Go to Rediff Jobs or Rediff Moneyarrow

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