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Share with us your vacation videos!

Last updated on: April 28, 2011 09:37 IST
on Rediff iShare: Bungee jumping

Share your vacation videos with us! Upload them on Rediff iShare!

Summer usually brings with it a promise of vacation and adventure. Have you headed out to some place fun recently? Was it a beach getaway or a hill station?

Were you travelling alone or with a special someone or perhaps with your entire family? What did you do there? Did you bungee jump like these folks in the video?

Or did you just take long walks or bicycle trails? 

Share with us your vacation videos! Simply upload them on Rediff iShare and email the link to (subject line: Vacation videos). Don't forget to add a brief description of the place so we can carry it along with the video! So rush and share with us your vacation videos with us!