Rajul Hegde
What does love mean to your favourite small screen actors and how do they make their relationships work? Rediff.com's Rajul Hegde finds out:
Debina Bonnerjee
A relationship is like a good cookie. Too much or too little of any one ingredient will spoil the taste and flavour. So, there has to be perfect trust, sacrifice and respect while holding on to one's self-esteem.
The trust that my partner has for me has made me much more efficient and the best wife that I can be.
The best way to be happy in marriage is by giving the required space to each other. If you try to change a spouse's point of view all the time, there is bound to be friction and unhappiness. Be yourself and let the other person be who s/he is.
By going out for regular holidays abroad and not carrying our phones with us we can beat the stress and the boredom that seeps into a relationship.
Gurmeet Chaudhary
Be honest with each other and have trust in your partner. Only then can you be happy because most of the unhappiness and grief comes from distrust.
Of course, one has to put in an effort to make a marriage happy. You have to be very good friends.
If you are friends then the tolerance level increases, understanding for each other is better, and you share everything with your partner.
Which we both are and that keeps us both happy. We are together every day but instead of meeting at home after the shoot every day, we try to do something different every second day.
We go for a drive together or meet at a coffee shop or spend time with friends, or go for dinner with them. By changing the pattern, instead of meeting only at home, we maintain freshness in our relationship.
Debina and I have been together since we were nobody. We have been together when we had nothing and still we loved and understood each other.
That has made us stronger. We have gone ahead together and that has made us better companions
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DON'T MISS: TV stars on making relationships work
Image: Aishwarya SakhujaAishwarya Sakhuja
What is the secret to a happy relationship? I think you should remain happy for the other to reciprocate in a similar fashion. I genuinely feel that people's attitude (to you) is a mere reflection of who and what you really are.
You make your relationship a happy one by making sure that you see both sides of the story, by putting yourself in the other person's shoes
As for preventing boredom from seeping into our relationship, honestly, with such busy lives, boredom can never seep in! It's always exciting to meet him.
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DON'T MISS: TV stars on making relationships work
Image: Nandish SandhuNandish Sandhu
The key to a happy relationship lies in giving each other just enough attention and time -- no more and no less.
Whenever we are together, Rashmi and I ensure that we take time out for each other and make the other person feel special.
Whenever possible she takes the day off and spends it with me, she cooks my favourite dishes and then the day ends with a long drive.
How do you manage to make your relationship a happy one? Just think your spouse is your best friend and this attitude really helps a relationship last.
Friendship, close friends and then best of friends. And then there was a time where we couldn't live without each other so we realised we have to get married and be together for the rest of our lives.
When we used to shoot for Uttran, Rashmi and I were the biggest enemies. We couldn't get along at all. In time we got to know each other and slowly started getting along.
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DON'T MISS: TV stars on making relationships work
Image: Rithvik DhanjaniRithvik Dhanjani
Trust is the basis of any relationship. If you lose the other person's trust, then the relationship loses its essence and charm.
I strongly believe in the quote 'Live and let live'. I try to implement it in my relationships as well. When you are with someone, each of you should enjoy every moment you spend together and try not to be a burden on the other person.
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DON'T MISS: TV stars on making relationships work
Image: Hiten TejwaniHiten Tejwani
Understanding is very important in a relationship. It forms the basis of any successful relationship.
Of course, it always does you good to keep the romance alive in a marriage. With Gauri and me that is never the problem. We love doing things for each other, be it on birthdays, our anniversary or Valentine's day.
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DON'T MISS: TV stars on making relationships work
Image: Karanvir BohraKaranvir Bohra
You have to keep working on your relationship; irrespective of whether you are or not married.
After marriage, people stop working on their marriage but I guess you should treat your wife like your girlfriend.
I believe my wife is always right. I have become a good listener and try not to argue with her. The woman is always right.
Living with my wife I think I have become a much calmer and more stable person. I have also become a better listener. She has taught me to become a better person.
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DON'T MISS: TV stars on making relationships work
Image: Sargun MehtaSargun Mehta
Understanding is what makes the relationship happy. Not being demanding, giving space to each other. Being there when you are needed emotionally and otherwise.
We are doing Naach Baliye. I am doing Kya Hua Tera Waada Too so I literally have no time. Ravi is understanding and plans everything in advance so my time is not wasted. He is a big support.
He is the best boyfriend one can ever get. Whenever I am leaving for or coming from Chandigarh he makes it a point to pick me up or drop me himself.
He pampers me too. Pampering is an important part of a relationship. We are friends too and that really helps. Be yourself and don't pretend to be anyone else.
Listen to your heart and give time to the relationship. Don't try to change the other person. Accept the person as he is.
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