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The year 2009 proved to be quite a bumpy ride. So what does 2010 hold in store? A look at what the stars predict for the coming year.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
The prudent, self-willed, thoughtful and practical Capricorn welcomes 2010 as a time to become a force to reckon with. You are changing your mind at the start of the year and in changing your mind, you change your path and in changing your path you change your mind again. That's because when you change it you see something else you want to achieve. It could be risky but it's a ride you will enjoy!
Later in the year, you are faced with a sudden change of home as you realise you need to be somewhere else. Be it in a different city or a foreign country, this move won't be one that simply takes you from one street to another. Disturbances will accompany this process but the challenge is living your life the way you want to live it and nobody for a second should see that as selfish. Eventually, they don't and offer you their full support. Balance is restored even if chaos reigns before it.
At work, it's wise to go for what you want and not what's dangled in front of you. The latter half of 2010 is one of the most amazing times of your life. Your attitude and approach towards your profession is one of being fearless and demonstrative, as you come up with the most daring and dynamic ideas and back them up instantly with many an action-oriented plan. Procedure and protocol, especially for those in the media, sales/ marketing and the information technology field, may mean being a wee bit patient. However, you determinedly push all the right buttons and aim for the stars giving yourself deadlines which keep you on your toes and thinking.
Those involved in independent business continue to receive orders/ new contracts and will need to make quality time to nurture their finances. Money matters will be hectic and leave you with little quality time to enjoy other worlds. Students will give their best shot for important examinations and faring well will mean the freedom to make lots of money! You end the year feeling content as you know you have given your best and earned lots.
Any Capricorns involved in relationships that they sense are slowly but surely sinking into oblivion would do well not cling on out of fear. Shaky romances are very likely to hit the skids come the New Year and the least painful way of getting over it will be to recognise the fact that you are actually better off without this person. Happy Cappies in relationships will need to work on how much they are trying to control or even manipulate their partner. It may be that temptation is almost irresistible but we all know controlling behaviour is a death knell to love.
Capricorns adore the hills and being high above sea level. And while you enjoy traveling in style, your natural prudence prevents you from splashing money on a to-die-for fancy-schmantzy vacation. On holiday too a Capricornian always functions within limits, makes good use of a holiday, never letting an exercise programme slip.
2010 Mission
Learn how to handle yourself. The moment you start acting only in your best interests and ignoring everyone else's your ascendancy will come to an end and you will find yourself in a downward spiral.
Altruism should be your watchword so be selfless for its own sake. You're arguably the sign most likely to succeed but only when your motives are positive and pure.
The charming, choosy, contemplative and cautious Aquarius welcomes 2010 wanting to focus on the future. Part of you likes the tedious treadmill of life. It's a safe, comfortable place to be, moaning about the same old things, going about the same routines on a daily basis, looking after yourself so well that you sometimes don't have time to think about the other things niggling at you such as where you'd like to go in your life, what your intuition is saying to do and the dreams you would like to make real. Of course, nobody's saying that you shouldn't go through life as a reliable, healthy person. But its time to admit to yourself that all these routines interfere with you being the person you wanted to be. All you have to do is trust your inner guidance. The year 2010 is time to stop struggling and be brave!
Your sensibilities and ideas will be novel and hence beneficial and lucrative in the long run. If employed, a prestigious post by a rival industry may come to you in July causing morally conflicting moments. Keeping aside your personal opinions and being politically correct, will be your stance as you will take on these challenging ventures with good spirit and hope others will understand your enthusiasm and ambition. Support comes from all quarters and you will be quick to rise and shine. A welcome career peak in September at last and people who can help are moving in thick and fast. In October-November, your job could be taking you traveling and although you can pretend you are going to be so oh so busy, you might well be sitting near the pool. If involved in the media/event management/film industry, you prove your talents in areas of your expertise going against the grain and yet earning a lot of appreciation and a pleasant response. Money-inflow increases mid year and investing it, dabbling with stocks/share are indicated.
For the single water-bearers, March will the big love month especially as someone you love will return your affection as strongly. Love-life is steady and although there are trying moments and recurring arguments with your mate, you try to be more accommodating. It would help to handle things personally and not allow for third person interventions. Small loving gestures, gifts and surprise will keep you together, smiling and staying bonded.
Aquarians are really inept at planning a vacation. You botch it up because you can't be bothered to sit down with a map and a guide and figure out the planning for a good holiday. But you love heading to exotic places. Another great love is a yoga-meditation holiday and a break that relaxes you and also brings you inner peace. But who will partner you on a holiday to seek peace. Start looking soon.
2010 Mission
As the year begins, there are so many factors encouraging you to just go for it. Achieving goals will be a little bit easier, but you still have to be prepared to be put in the work. This year you find yourself breaking barriers, and helping you dream up some really big ideas.
The inspirational, loving, truthful and peaceful Piscean welcomes 2010 with a smile! In 2010, opportunities maybe shocking and sometimes events may not come to you the way you want them to. And yes, it could be a surprise for those around when you declare what your dreams are, but it isn't about what you're doing, it's what you are prepared to sacrifice to do it. Some around you may be surprised early on, but by the middle of the year they get right behind you and support you all the way. In the end, though, it's about learning just what you are capable of what when you put your might and mind behind it.
Ambitious as ever, making and creating opportunities is a challenge you take on as it is important to prove your mettle and talent to yourself and all those who expect the best from you. Secretive and calculative will be the way you work your way around obstacles and delays as you tend to take on more than you can handle to begin with. By the end of March, balance will become top priority as you take big independent decisions and stick to only what you personally consider vital leaving the rest. Following your intuition and your inherent knowledge in your chosen field to every minute detail will make for all the positive difference that will be a reality by September. Those of you planning to turn an interesting hobby into a commercial project will be busy with paperwork and the legalities of it by winter.
Professional advice as well as taking finance into consideration will help make up your flighty mind. Progress, promotions and work-oriented travel will keep you busy and better off financially.
Health and wealth remains good although there may be days when you feel financially low.
It's now time to reconsider your attitude towards love and romance. For many Pisceans, love was your main focus, your partner was the most important person in your life by far and that was where, most, if not all, of your energy was spent. But that was then, and this is now. Things have changed and no matter what sort of state your relationship is in, it's very much a time focus more on your hopes, wishes and friends than on your lover. It isn't that you won't be able have both a marvelously fulfilling romantic life and friendships in 2010. Indeed, you most certainly can, especially if you put in practice all the love lessons you've learned in the past few years but remember to make your own wishes your central focus.
Pisceans love the snow and prefer a holiday buried in three feet of it. Nothing pleases you more than finding a log cabin located in a snowy forest that is your dream holiday. So vacation plans focus around finding a destination that has snow, no matter the time of the year! The mountains, snow deserts and maybe the Arctic! And what matches with snow better than romance. You are keen to have your mate/partner accompany you to your snowy wonderland.
2010 Mission
Whatever it is you really want is worth working for. The year ahead may not be the best you've ever ahead but it might come pretty close. Good luck!
The ambitious, energetic, courageous, and independent Arian can look forward to welcoming 2010 with a bang. How amazing the year will be depends on you and how fast you move when the chances come your way. You will be granted as many wishes as you want. But it is up to you to make them come true. By April at least, start thinking about what you want, so that when May comes along you will be better placed to see what comes next even as others are running around figuring things out. June and July are really when it all happens. Unexpected moves could take you by surprise. You are determined to make things work and support will come eventually.
At work, some of you will decide to extricate yourself from hassles. Let go a little. The good news is that by the middle of January, you will be able to make up for lost ground. This will actually supercharge you into the new professional year. Those feeling a little confused about work life will be able to strategise by May and find themselves the dream job.
An unexpected financial gain could come your way in May. A swift change of homes is scheduled and, for many, this may need a complete shift from your plans. Be ready, because however confusing the opportunities might be, you will find yourself making the most of it. December may see you coming a full circle. You may be surprised to find the same set of events from the begining of the year coming back and people asking you whether you are still interested.
You will let go of old ties as you begin the year. Romance is sizzling, especially in the summer. Many of you might find a mate in the workplace. August for many may lead to wedding bells and long-term commitments. Some of you might be forced to let go of unwanted ties, as events may take a nasty turn in October. Have your say and get support where you thought there was none. As one door closes, another opens.
Arians like to explore new places, that too at very great speed. You would take the fastest means of transport to your destination, mostly by air. Adventurous holidays including water rafting, bungee jumping or horse riding pumps up your adrenaline. Since your heat and energy level is very high, you would naturally prefer cool places like the Swiss Alps for holidays.
2010 Mission
It is vital to concentrate on important one-on-one relationships, as that is where your lessons and long-term security lie. When you find personal life and career vying for your attention, err on the side of the personal as much as you dare.
The persevering, determined, ambitious and affectionate Taurean welcomes 2010 with much hope. The year is about venturing into unknown territories. You would do well to think about whether you want comfort and predictability or adventure and excitement. Fate will fill in the blanks. Your friends and family will be the gateway for unusual events this year. You will have to figure out if you have the courage to embrace what they suggest. Many of you are likely to experience a spiritual awakening.
Many of you will start the year on a high. Your career is going just the way you want it to. March will see an opportunity to take a little breather. Newfound confidence in August will make everyone sit up and notice you. Making a big move is not ruled out. Seniors and peers will vote you the best for the job and you will be encouraged to accept more responsibility by the end of the year.
Money inflow will be good this year, but it may need careful watching. Finances improve after mid-year and you will plan exotic holidays, shopping sprees and gifts for loved ones. Litigations end in your favour and an inheritance for some will prove lucky and eventful. Friends will be challenging even as your home becomes your solace and thinking ground. Some of you may move things around in March a renovation job or moving homes. Flow with the tide and enjoy the fruits of your labour.
If you are single, your love life will bloom in the second half of the year. Some alone time will do you a lot of good in April. It might even bring in a new romance into your life! In early June, you will get support from outside. Some of you will move in with a loved one and July will be the hectic, zippy month you have been waiting for. October turns up the heat and wedding bells are likely for many of you this month.
A lush tropical jungle is a Taureans idea of a great holiday.
Adventure is your number one priority and the more adrenaline producing the better. You love travelling to unknown exotic places and the your list of past holidays reads like an adventure series.
2010 Mission
It's hugely important to get your rhythms and routines right where your wellbeing is concerned. If you don't look after yourself by exercising regularly, eating well or quitting smoking, nobody else can do it for you. Pull up your socks.
The lovely, quick-witted, intelligent and forever restless Geminian welcomes 2010 with plenty of serious thoughts. There might be a sudden realisation that this is your moment, and if you don't do something about it, you may have to wait very long for another shot like this. This year you will see many incredible opportunities at work and you will meet amazing people who can help you take things further. You have the talent, and once you get these contacts, nothing can stop you.
On or around your birthday, you will find yourself in the right place at the right time. It seems you have the right attitude, and that will make the difference. Watch out for August though, when someone you thought you could rely on will turn out to be not so reliable.
Remember, enthusiasm may win you the day but will not get you there in one piece. January will be busy as you try and reach many goals, especially those in sales and marketing. Slow down in March, as it will be hectic; focus will be crucial. September will see most of you settle into comfortable equations will colleagues and bosses. Travel on work will be hectic in October for many, as seminars, courses and studies will demand a balancing act.
Money matters will start to improve from April and this will more likely be a consequence of your hard work than anything else. It would be wise to plan ahead and make sure you don't sign anything or commit to long-term financial arrangements during this time. A partnership could be the best bet for those who are self-employed. Seeking professional advice on money matters may also be a good idea. Negotiations of your paycheques will be important, so make sure not to undersell yourself in October.
Summer will be a busy time, as an overseas romance or a surprise holiday may be in the offing. July will have many suitors clamoring for your attention. The family, especially, will demand its share. Don't be too hasty with siblings or children. They may not want to go through changes that they find unnecessary. You will see the year off on a quieter note as you slow down to spend time with your loved ones.
You love to travel a lot with your friends or numnerous relatives with whom you can talk. Since you are the kind that is easily bored, you prefer to go on a package tour. And being the kind of person you are, you would probably pack your cell phones, books, magazines and novels on holidays.
2010 Mission
Paying off old debts regularly should be one of your aims this year, as it will make a huge difference to your finances. Beyond that, try not to stress as you may find it hard to relax and have fun.
The diplomatic, discreet, emotional and sensitive Cancerian is ready to greet 2010 with a desire to step outside the box. It may not be easy saying no to some and yes to others, but it is what you need to do right now. April is all about finding what you want to do. And sometimes the only way to do that is to shock you into seeing it. In May, your career and status come into the spotlight. As June comes in, you will find yourself at your best. You are sent back in the year to review things. But don't look at it as a setback, and don't be shocked if people change their minds. Instead, recognise the golden opportunity on offer, and realise that some people just can't keep up with you.
At work, base your decisions on facts rather than intuition. A pay raise is on the cards in March. March will also see you preoccupied with your reputation in your profession. Big ideas and dreams will materialise in April. New avenues will open in June. You feel like a new person and discover that you can go wherever you want to. The winter allows you to settle down and plan your life ahead.
Those of you facing property or inheritance disputes may have to opt for an out-of-court settlement if matters turn legal. But it will be in your best interests to flow with the tide and wait for situations to simmer down. You will end the year on a successful note as you have more opportunities.
It is time to stop carrying on as if you don't need anyone. In fact, the more successful you are in getting out of the 'me' syndrome and embracing the idea of 'us' the better off you will be. Singles will find someone new in January and by March many of you in a relationship will find the chance to start anew with their partner. For many of you Crabs, who have been uptight with their loved ones, it will be time to go easy and relax.
Cancerians are always happy when they are near water. You love to swim, sail or take a boat on holidays. Being not very adventurous, you will go to a place you have already been to. But you will not get bored.
2010 Mission
It's about letting love transform you and your life. If in a relationship, you will need to be extremely careful not to let anything toxic from the past poison your present. If you are currently single and on the lookout for new romance, focus on all the positive things you want in your ideal partner, rather than the traits you want to avoid.
The majestic, generous, self-sufficient and powerful Leo welcomes 2010 wanting to live life on his or her own terms. After having been trapped in seemingly inescapable situations in the last few months/years, there's a part of you that wants to live in some mad and exotic dream. From June till September, you will find yourself nudged towards broadening your horizons. As you climb yet another mountain, the view will be breathtaking and there in the distance will be another one that you'll want to climb next. Overall, the year's biggest surprise for you lies in discovering how much you can achieve when you put your mind to it.
Those employed will find themselves ready to change jobs and will look for greener pastures by the end of the year. Fortunately, you will have a little more money to dabble in varied interests and also double your earnings as you turn expert in your chosen field.
For those involved in manufacture and trade, luxurious opportunities could arise through cultural activities and travel to exotic places. Three-way partnerships offered to some of you will be worth considering between August and September. Keep the faith, get your paperwork organised, do not leave space for any ambiguity and move ahead purposefully and peacefully.
Though money inflow remains constant, expenditures will continue to increase, as the natural spendthrift in you would always want the very best money can buy. For many, your home will become the priority in August as you deal with renovations, travel and relocations. Study and research may take you to foreign lands in September. You will put your learning to best use. Purchasing your dream home is the perfect way you end your year, decorating and celebrating lavishly and happily.
In May, you will be the centre of attention and those who are single will find themselves having plenty of options to choose from. In October, family and friends will generally not be happy bunnies. Handle them with care. As the year draws to a close, sporadic dating will lead to something serious. Those in long-term relationships will plan to extend their family.
The majestic and royal Leos love to holiday in style. You don't like roughing it out on holidays like trekking or cycling, but instead want to be pampered. This year, you will stretch your budget to include luxury cruises or five-star stays. A holiday in the East is on the cards.
2010 Mission
One of the toughest challenges as you begin 2010 is to stay positive. Remember how the law of attraction works: Focusing on the negative will only attract the negative. You will have to work harder to put it into practice.
The methodical, perceptive, ambitious and well-balanced Virgoan welcomes 2010 with a desire to do away with old patterns and beliefs. Upto the end of May, you could get more than you bargained for on the love front as your roller coaster year begins. Seeing the truth about your relationships may not be comfortable for some, but remember that everything holds an opportunity within. The secret sometimes is seeing it, sometimes it's taking action, sometimes it's staying silent. You will make these choices according to your intuition.
In July, you will recieve surprise news. Listen to what it is and think about making considered changes in your life, no matter how much the idea scares you. By mid-August in particular, you maybe forced to take a tough decision. You might be worried, but rest assured that your method of doing things is absolutely the right one, and by the end of the year you should see it pay off. Open and hard working, you wait patiently for the perfect piece of cake to fall into your mouth and trusting the heavens only makes it an interesting and quick journey. Major breakthroughs March to April can be expected from unexpected sources and you take the necessary steps to push your best interests ahead. Working out of a sense of service, you will contribute immensely in your chosen field.
Money inflow improves mid-year. Although saving a substantial sum takes its own time, you make enough to enjoy important luxuries in your life. Domestic problems ebb even though the health of a loved one could be a recurring problem. A second medical opinion, staying more attentive and affectionate with everyone makes for all the happy influence in your life.
Romance will be a slow burn this year. April will see you travel, and a new romance on foreign shores is very much on the cards. Those who have been lazy in love, will find themselves putting their romantic cap on and have an interesting surprise coming their way in July. As December comes around, you will be ready to sparkle. You shine head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd. You will end the year happier than ever!
Virgos do not travel comfortably, mainly because you are obsessive about planning. Months before the vacation you start putting together lists and plan what you will do on the holiday. You love a break where you can learn something. You always like your vacation to pay for itself. And saving the environment is often a special mission on a holiday. You will never litter the beach and will spend your time looking for recycle bins.
2010 Mission
Make some time for yourself. Especially for those of you who have turned into raging workaholics over the last few years.
The intellectual, imaginative, refined and pleasant Libran welcomes 2010 with a plan. As the year begins, take some time to consider what you want from life. Think about it in silence, and then come up with a strategy. That'll take others by surprise! Saying too much, too soon warns the competition about what you are upto. In June, the emphasis shifts to romance and to be frank, your love life is going to go through a bit of a shake-up. To truly understand things you need to look at all those things you've been skillfully ignoring till now. In mid-August, you're confronted with a tough work choice that could affect your love life. Go the way you think is right for both of you.
At work, most Librans will feel the need to break out and do something different. Even Librans who are happy in their current jobs will find greater pleasure in the workplace by starting to do things differently. By April, things you have been most scared of will present themselves and it is an opportunity you must use. Breakthroughs are due in July and you will finally find yourself in the driver's seat. Joint ventures and professional alliances come through in October, increasing your circle of influence and power.
Finances get better as money pours in from unexpected sources. Make sure you stay on firm ground as far as money is concerned throughout the year. Better still, make sure you get the advice of a professional financial advisor to find a strategy that works for you. A family inheritance/trust fund by the end of the year will ease the pressure and give you a breather. You round off the year with a smile!
This year, love life is the key for Librans. Expanding family, moving home and just addressing family issues and rewriting new rules will be the big focus in the first half of the year. The second half may bring back the focus slowly and steadily on nurturing and growing together. Those married grow closer to each other and discover new ways to nurture the relationship. Holidays and outings keep you comfortable and cozy together. If single, you are more open to friendships, choosing to take things slowly. Just see to it that you are sure of your feelings before you fly off on an emotional tangent.
Librans love the ocean and you are always in your best mood when near water. You will enjoy water skiing, canoeing, swimming on a vacation. But you are not one for exotic destinations and love visiting the same place year after year.
2010 Mission
This year is a big one for Libran relationships. We all need to sort out family issues before we have a chance of getting other connections on track, and your biggest lessons will come via your most important one-to-one relationships, including those with your current partner and ex-loves. Try to see the demands of others as a way to grow and accumulate karmic brownie points.
The commanding, intuitive, strong-willed and bold Scorpion welcomes 2010 by focusing on details. Nobody can ever criticise you for not seeing the bigger picture or trying to take on the world. However, there are times when you need to refine your ideas into something manageable and this is one of those times. Think about the biggest dreams you have for yourself in 2010. Now break them into chunks you can work on. The humble to-do-list is your best friend. This can be applied anywhere in your personal and professional life.
Summer is all about work and how you can take a world of possibilities and make it all your own. You are being encouraged to rule your own domain. May and June will be pivotal months where you begin to see the desired results thanks to the goodwill you have earned along the way. Moving into expansion plans with your inspired and supportive teammates makes you feel you have an edge over your many rivals.
Take one step at a time if it comes to mergers and joint ventures in international markets and brands. If you are confused consult someone in August with an open mind and the advice will prove to be priceless and peaceful. As the year ends, there are even more new people in your life and they bring great opportunities in business both overseas and at home. Financial risks are best avoided, especially in August as money remains good throughout the year. It pours in from unexpected sources, multiple lines of work and industry.
Romance in May will make you feel wow! Those single will be encouraged to look for someone older as you desire a partner who holds his own. Love will heat up the sheets in August and those in a relationship will find themselves learning even more about and from each other. The onset of winter may bring about questions about romance and what you want. Tell yourself you are doing fine, stop worrying about measuring up and enjoy your love life to the fullest! Friends and family play cheerleaders throughout the year, so enjoy!
While it's wonderful to travel, there's no place like home. If you're always dreaming of getting away from it all, this is the year to take a good look around your neighborhood and appreciate all the wonderful people and places it has to offer you. Spending on travel is best avoided, especially in August.
2010 Mission
You're starting a two-year cycle which is about conquering your fears. The harder you work at overcoming your fears, the better the coming years will be!
The independent, generous and sincere Sagittarian welcomes 2010 with a deep breath and enlightened self-interest. Relationships -- be it with family or friends -- will need you to calm down this year. Loved ones will prove to be the greatest challenge. And you will need to just hang in there before they begin to listen to your correct and practical advice. Between June and mid-August, you are going slightly off the rails when it comes to new people and places, taking a gamble on nothing more than a pretty face or a well-cut suit. Life is for living and it seems you are living it.
At work, you begin the year doing well despite the global recession that maybe daunting many. April will give you a chance to review a lot of your decisions and do something about the situations you may be in. A chance to prove yourself at work comes up in July and it maybe just what you need -- to do your own thing, refine your ideas and allow yourself to make it big. A job shift maybe on the cards especially for those looking to change tracks and venture into new industries. December helps you deal with the warning signals in your brain. The hard work that makes your career a shining light will finally pay off!
Finances will do well for the busy Sagittarian. Journeys where you combine business and pleasure are plenty after August and the chance of a transfer or settling down temporarily in another country for a definite purpose will prove the perfect move and beneficial to all involved. Property/ government-related matters under dispute will take their due time and course of action. Stay calm and allow things to fall into place naturally.
You can't be all things to all people but you can be someone special to those who mean the most to you as February gives way to March. Your family members will need attention in the middle of this month and love could come knocking on the door for the single archers as friends of friends lead onto something more. New faces, new introductions and new people bring in more in June and the month promises to be light. Trust your intuition in October especially with your love life and new people as you need to weed out the clutter and only keep the ties that are good for you. You round off the year with family members who will be more than eager to spend quality moments with you whenever possible.
Investing in a second home for relaxation and investment is not ruled out. It will require you to travel to see it. Some of you may plan a holiday with loved ones especially those who live away from extended family.
2010 Mission
You need to think about the people you spend time with and rely on. You tend to be hypercritical of your friends but try to be realistic about the standards you expect them to live up to. And if any of them are hangers-ons, cut them loose!